Mighty 55, D2, 3/22, 6 PM
Random (46)
Showtime (43)
Mighty 55, D2, 3/23, 1 PM
W.E. (81)
Skywalkers (60)
Mighty 55, D2, 3/22, 6 PM
Tortugas (54)
Bucketeers (46)
Mighty 55, D2, 3/22, 5 PM
Tortugas (48)
Ruff Ryders (46)
Mighty 55, D1, 3/15, 4 PM
Guui Middle School
Funky Family (20)
Savages (0)
Mighty 55, D1, 3/15, 3 PM
Guui Middle School
Flex (53)
Endless (92)
Mighty 55 Basketball League, Winter 2024-25 / View Full Schedule
Code of Conduct
This Code of Ethics and Conduct applies to all those involved in all sports events under the jurisdiction of Project Ball, Inc. All such individuals have a responsibility to act according to the highest standards of integrity, and to ensure that the reputation of sports events is beyond reproach. Project Ball, Inc. is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards of behavior and conduct at all events. The following principles must be adhered to always so that sports can be enjoyed by all and is divided into the following sections:
General principles:
All those involved must treat everyone equally and sensitively regardless of age, disability, gender, race, ethnic origin, cultural or social background, sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation, or any other personal characteristic/feature. Project Ball, Inc. is opposed to any form of violent, offensive, or discriminatory behavior and will act as necessary to remove individuals from basketball who do not abide by this Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Everyone involved, both adults and young people have a responsibility to treat everyone with dignity, respect, sensitivity, and fairness. Be aware of the special needs of young people and vulnerable adults and recognize that some face additional barriers.
Every young person or vulnerable adult involved should be able to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from abuse. Allegations of a child protection nature relating to the breaking of this Code of Ethics and Conduct must follow the reporting procedures as contained in the Project Ball, Inc. Protection Policy and Procedures.
All affiliated captains agree to:
Consider the safety and well-being of all individuals in their charge;
Ensure their behavior is not misconstrued or open to allegations of favoritism, misconduct, or impropriety;
Follow guidance on good practice when working with young people/vulnerable adults and report any concerns for their wellbeing to the relevant authority or body;
Uphold the appropriate boundaries in the working relationship between captain and player – especially when one person is aged under 18 years of age or a vulnerable adult. While the captain-player relationship exists, the captain should not only refrain from initiating a relationship, but should also discourage any attempt by a player to initiate an intimate relationship, explaining the ethical basis of the refusal;
Ensure that all training and playing demands are not detrimental to the well-being of the players and are reasonable dependent upon the age, maturity, experience and ability of the players;
Ensure their competence and ability is sufficient so that the safety of players is not compromised:
Encourage players to accept responsibility for their own behavior and performance;
Be appropriately qualified as per the requirements of Project Ball, Inc. and regularly seek opportunities for continued professional development;
Respect the rights of players to choose to decline to participate within playing situations; never put a player on court if they are injured or unfit to do so;
Declare any affiliation, sponsorship, or accreditation in a truthful and accurate manner;
Be receptive to employing systems of evaluation that include self-evaluation and also external evaluation in an effort to assess the effectiveness of your work;
Abide by all rules and policies of Project Ball, Inc.;
Ensure they have undergone relevant safeguarding training before registering with Project Ball, Inc. and sufficient evidence of a certificate has been submitted to projectballkorea@gmail.com.
Comply with all safeguarding and first aid policies and procedures;
Promote prevention and education regarding the misuse of performance enhancing drugs and illegal substances;
Declare any history or instances where you were disciplined, dismissed, cautioned, warned or convicted of any offense relating to children/young people/vulnerable adults to the Project Ball, Inc.
Safeguarding and Compliance Manager:
Whilst working under the jurisdiction of Project Ball, Inc. will only captain individuals that are registered/affiliated to Project Ball, Inc.;
Not attempt to exert undue influences and pressures to obtain personal benefit or reward;
Must be able to recognize and accept when to refer or recommend players to other captains or structures;
Agree what information what will be treated confidentially (this does not preclude disclosure of information to persons who can be judged to have a right to know such as in matters of discipline, legal and medical requirements or where an individual’s health, safety, or wellbeing may be at risk);
Communicate and co-ordinate with medical practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment and management of a players’ medical/psychological problems;
Be a positive role model;
Never use foul, sexist or racist language or act in a violent/abusive manner;
Refrain from undue public criticism of other coaches or match officials.
Refrain from posting negative or derogatory comments on social media about other clubs, captains or officials.
Refrain from posting any comments on social media which bring the reputation of Project Ball Inc.into disrepute.
Follow all Project Ball, Inc. guidance on Social Media, Appropriate Communication and the Duty of Care policies.
Data Protection Policy:
Project Ball Inc. and its representatives have a legal duty to our members and our employees to handle data sensitively, ensure that it is kept securely and that it is destroyed appropriately when it is no longer needed. Any Captain or individual who obtains or uses data without the express written consent of Project Ball, Inc. will result in immediate removal from post and is viewed by Project Ball, Inc. as a breach of position of trust.
Project Ball, Inc. can apply additional sanctions. This includes data that was obtained as a result of or via Project Ball, Inc. sponsored or sanctioned event/fixture or obtained where the individual was acting in the employment or on behalf of Project Ball, Inc. or its associates.
Protocols for Recruitment
All clubs, captains, representatives, or players must act reasonably and with complete transparency when recruiting a player. Recruitment of any player should only take place outside or after the preceding season or prior to the upcoming season. If in season; a player can only be recruited when the player concerned has not signed for any other club for that current season.
When recruiting a player that has signed for a club the previous season that player shall not be approached directly in person, through a third party or through social media by any representative, coach or player from any other club without the prior written consent of that player's current club.
When recruiting a player from another club the club interested in signing the player should first provide formal notification in writing to the player's current club secretary and the player's current captain asking them for permission to speak to the parents or the legal guardians of the player concerned.Where the current club refuses permission the interested club must allow 7 days from the date of refusal before they make contact with the parent or guardian of the player they are interested in. After this time they may contact the player's parents or guardians directly. Under no circumstances should any representative of any other club, captain or player make contact with a player from another club with a view inducing them to sign or transfer to their club.
You should never contact/approach a player under the age of 18 with a view to recruitment directly. This includes (but is not limited to) face-to-face conversations with a child, email or social media. Contact routes via the parent and club should be followed as listed in sections 2, 3, 3a and 3b as listed above.
Where a player or the parent/guardian of a player approaches a club, captain or player from another club with a view to leaving their current club; that club, captain or player should cease all further communications immediately and direct the player or parent/guardian to provide a formal request for a transfer in writing to their current club as per current BE Regulations.
These protocols must be adhered to not only by the club or their representatives but shall include regional or national team representatives, coaches or players in the performance of their duties
Project Ball, Inc. is keen to safeguard the welfare of young players and to respect their individual rights. Any contact should be for legitimate reasons only. Equally, it is essential that anyone holding personal information about young players respects the confidentiality of such information and does not disclose this without the proper authority from Project Ball, Inc.
All affiliated players agree to:
Treat everyone equally and sensitively regardless of age, disability, gender, race, ethnic origin, cultural background, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or political affiliation;
Treat your team-mates and opponents, captains, club officials and match officials with respect and consideration at all times - treat them as you would like to be treated;
Not use foul, sexist, racist language or offensive gestures at any time;
Know and abide by the rules and spirit of the game;
Avoid violence and rough play and help injured opponents;
Accept the decisions of the match officials without question or complaint (let your captain ask the necessary questions) and avoid words or actions which may mislead a Match Official;
Abide by the instructions of the captains and club officials, provided they do not contradict the spirit of this Code of Ethics and Conduct or the rules of basketball;
Not attempt to improve individual performance with the use of banned substances / techniques;
Condemn the use of recreation and performance enhancing drugs and abide by all anti-doping requirements;
Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance through the whole game, even if it is considered already over;
Concentrate on the game, do not react/respond to undue criticism from spectators, parents, opposition coaches or opposition club officials;
Raise any concerns calmly and professionals to the match officials to respond, deal and report;
Learn to accept victory and defeat with humility and dignity and without excessive emotional displays;
Work equally hard for yourself and your team - your team’s performance will benefit and so will your own;
Be a good sport, applaud all good performance, whether by your team or by the opponent;
At the end of play applaud and thank your opponents and the match officials;
Abide by the Project Ball Inc. Social Media policy.
Match Officials
All affiliated match officials must:
Treat everyone equally and sensitively, regardless of their disability, gender, ethnic origin, cultural background, sexual orientation, religion, age or political affiliation;
Not tolerate foul, sexist or racist language;
Only officiate in games or competition where all individuals are registered/affiliated to Project Ball, Inc.;
Realize that Project Ball, Inc. does not advise that officials travel alone with anyone under 18 years of age or a vulnerable adult to or from games. We advise you to always have another adult with you;
Be honest, consistent, objective, impartial and courteous when applying the rules of the game;
Officials must resist any possible influence from protests on the part of participants or spectators of the game;
Claim any affiliation, sponsorship or accreditation in a truthful and accurate manner;
Show patience and understanding towards players who may be learning the game;
Make every effort to prepare fully for a match, both physically and mentally.;
On a physical level, be able to keep up with the speed of the game, and be alert and close enough to make correct decisions;
Ensure focus is maintained at all times, do not be distracted by mobile phones or personal devices unless identified prior to the game and are used to benefit the game;
Decline to be appointed to a match if not completely physically or mentally fit to participate in that match (because of illness, injury, or for family or other reasons);
Refrain from requesting hospitality, or accept any hospitality offered and considered to be excessive;
Have regard to protecting the players by enforcing the laws of the game;
Show due respect when speaking with participants in the game, even in the event of infringements;
In reports, set out the true facts;
Refrain from publicly expressing any criticism of fellow officials;
Assist with the development of those with less experience;
Declare any history or instances where you were disciplined, dismissed, cautioned, warned or convicted of any offense relating to children/young people/vulnerable adults on a Self-Declaration form submitted to the BE Safeguarding and Compliance Manager
Club Officials
All club officials agree to:
Treat everyone equally and sensitively regardless of age, disability, gender, race, ethnic origin, cultural background, sexual orientation, religious belief or political affiliation;
Not use foul, sexist or racist language;
Use your official position to take action against any club member or spectator who harasses, abuses or uses foul, sexist or racist language;
Accept the responsibilities of the role that you have to set a good example of behavior and conduct at all times and promote ethical principles;
Ensure your club is aware of and follows best practice guidelines to safeguard young people and vulnerable adults;
Ensure that proper supervision is provided by suitably qualified coaches and officials who are capable of promoting good sporting behavior and good technical skills;
Ensure all equipment and facilities meet safety standards;
Resist all illegal or unsporting influences, including banned substances and techniques;
Encourage all players and coaches to abide by the rules and spirit of the game and do not manipulate the rules in order to benefit yourself personally or your club;
Show respect to match officials, captains, players and others involved in the game;
Do not endeavor to influence the result of a game by any actions that are not strictly within the rules;
Remember sport is enjoyed for its own sake - play down the importance of awards;
Always have regard to the best interests of basketball, including where publicly expressing an opinion of the game, others involved and any particular aspect of it;
Avoid words or actions, which may mislead a Match Official and accept their decisions.
Regional Chairs
Ensure their behavior is not misconstrued or open to allegations of favoritism, misconduct, or impropriety;
Follow guidance on good practice when working with young people/vulnerable adults and report any concerns for their wellbeing to the relevant authority or body;
Declare any affiliation, sponsorship, or accreditation in a truthful and accurate manner;
Abide by all rules and policies of Project Ball, Inc.;
Declare any history or instances where you were disciplined, dismissed, cautioned, warned, or convicted of any offense relating to children/young people/vulnerable adults on to a Project Ball, Inc. Manager;
Not attempt to exert undue influences and pressures to obtain personal benefit or reward;
Agree what information what will be treated confidentially (this does not preclude disclosure of information to persons who can be judged to have a right to know such as in matters of discipline, legal and medical requirements or where an individual’s health, safety or wellbeing may be at risk);
Be a positive role model;
Never use foul, sexist or racist language or act in a violent/abusive manner;
Treat everyone equally and sensitively regardless of age, disability, gender, race, ethnic origin, cultural background, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or political affiliation;
Condemn the use of violence in all forms and refrain from any violent or aggressive behavior;
Support all efforts to remove verbal, physical and racist abuse;
Not force an unwilling participant to take part in events;
Remember that young people are involved for their enjoyment - not yours;
Encourage all to play by the rules and respect the match officials;
Never ridicule or shout at a participant for making a mistake or losing a game;
Refrain from publicly questioning the judgement or honesty of match officials;
Refrain from undue public criticism of coaches, match officials or spectators;
Refrain from posting negative or derogatory comments on social media about clubs, coaches, or officials;
Refrain from posting any comments on social media which bring the reputation of Project Ball Inc. into disrepute;
Follow all Project Ball, Inc. guidance on Social Media, Appropriate Communication, and the Duty of Care policies.
All spectators of games under the jurisdiction of Project Ball, Inc. will:
Not use offensive, discriminatory or obscene language or gestures;
Not harass or verbally abuse players, captains, match officials or fellow spectators in any form;
Treat everyone equally and sensitively regardless of age, disability, gender, race, ethnic origin, cultural background, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or political affiliation;
Condemn the use of violence in all forms and refrain from any violent or aggressive behavior;
Show respect for opponents and match officials. Without them there would be no game;
Acknowledge good performance and fair play by opponents as well as by your own team;
Remember the players are taking part for their enjoyment not yours;
Not ridicule players who make mistakes;
Not over emphasize the importance of winning;
On no account should you enter the court unless authorized otherwise;
Not shout abuse at officials, coaches, players or other spectators.
Young People
There are additional requirements for how young people should be treated by adults and how young people should treat their peers.
Adults to Young People:
Be aware of how your language and behavior may have an effect and ensure you do not use foul language, humiliate or bully any young person;
Make sure you are fully aware of and follow the latest guidance on working with young people;
Treat everyone with respect and dignity, recognizing the additional needs or disadvantages of those with disabilities or from minority backgrounds;
Set a good example as young people will learn from you;
Make sure disciplinary actions are non violent/humiliating and use rewards, praise and acknowledgment to reinforce good behavior;
Listen and act if a young person tells you they’re being bullied or abused.
Young People to Each Other should:
Never bully, spread rumors or tell lies about other young people;
Welcome and include new players whatever their background or ability;
Control your emotions - verbal or physical abuse is not acceptable at any time;
Don’t show off or try to humiliate other players;
Don’t ridicule or blame teammates who make mistakes;
Make sure you tell your coach/parents if another young person confides in you and you think they need help.
All Therapy & Medical Staff
All affiliated therapy and medical staff must also review their own professional body’s code of conduct and adhere to them.
Treatment Rooms
No child or U20 should be treated in any way in any situation where they are on his or her own in a treatment room/area with the door closed. Therapy/medical staff should keep coaches/team managers and where appropriate parents are informed of the location of the treatment room/area and this should not be the therapists/medical staff own sleeping accommodation. In camp /on tour/at training, captains and team managers should be made aware of treatment times. Therapy/medical staff should make every attempt to keep to these times except in cases of emergencies. As far as is feasible (it is recognized in busy periods that this may not always be possible) it is recommended that treatment is undertaken in the presence of a team manager for those players under 16 years.
Consent/ Confidentiality/Dignity
Consent needs to be obtained at all times prior to treatment commencing. Medical confidentiality must be maintained at all times. Relevant information needs to be passed on to relevant staff members but this should only be when written permission is obtained through the medical questionnaire and consent form. Medical information should not be discussed with anyone outside of recognized Project Ball, Inc. staff. Therapy/medical staff must work to maintain patient dignity at all times and act in a professional manner keeping them aware of progress, prognosis and future plans.
Onward Referral
Therapy/medical staff need to ensure that they have followed up all on-going injuries/illness via the appropriate referral/ communication.
Ethical Practice
Therapy/medical staff must not exert undue influence on athletes to perform when there is clear evidence that they are not fit to do so. If coaching staff are playing/training a clearly unfit player then it is the duty of the therapy/medical staff to voice their concerns in a professional manner and report the matter on as appropriate.
Within Therapy and Medical Staff Communications
Where more than one therapy/medical staff member is involved in the care of an athlete appropriate communication must take place to optimize treatment.
Record Keeping
Medical records must be maintained and filed in line with professional body standards. Wherever possible this must be done on Project Ball, Inc. computerized notes system.
Therapy/medical staff must ensure that emergency first aid is current and up to date. This must include defib and CPR training. Project Ball, Inc. strongly recommends that Team Therapists undertake trauma training from one of the recognized providers such as LUBAS, The RFU or The FA. They must also ensure that they have appropriate insurance cover to undertake their role.
Therapy/medical staff will undergo DBS checks prior to commencing work. However, it is the responsibility of the staff member to inform Project Ball, Inc. should any cautions or convictions occur at a time after the initial checks. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
Project Ball, Inc. condemns and is totally opposed to performance enhancing and recreation drug use in the sport of basketball.
All involved in basketball must:
Familiarize themselves with the Anti-Doping Rules (available through the Project Ball, Inc. website);
Take sole responsibility for all foods, medications and supplements taken;
Be aware of the implications and penalties in place for a positive doping test result;
Be aware disciplinary action may be taken for criminal conviction for possession or use of drugs.
Data Protection (Clubs)
Any Club in breach of data protection (as outlined in Appendix A - Section 2 Code of Ethics and Conduct) will be sanctioned at the discretion of Project Ball, Inc. (See possible sanctions, Section 19, Code of Ethics and Conduct) This includes data that was obtained as a result or via a Project Ball, Inc. sponsored or sanctioned event/fixture.
Anti-Bribery (All Members of Project Ball, Inc.)
All staff and members of Project Ball, Inc. must ensure their behavior is not misconstrued or open to allegations of favoritism, misconduct, impropriety or bribery.
The Anti-Bribery Act consolidates the common law and bribery related legislation into two general offenses:
Bribing: It is an offense to offer, promise or give a financial or other advantage for the purpose of bringing about an improper performance of a function or activity.Being bribed: It is an offense to request, agree to or receive a financial or other advantage for the purpose of bringing about an improper performance of a function or sport events or to request, agree to or receive a reward for having done so.
"Improper performance" is one which is in breach of an expectation of good faith or impartiality or is in breach of a position of trust. The test of whether an activity has been performed improperly is what a reasonable person would expect in relation to the activity. If the activity takes place overseas, then any local customs are disregarded unless permitted by the country’s written law. In each case, it is the intention to bring about the improper performance that is the key to the offense.
Whistle Blowing
Project Ball, Inc. is committed to developing a culture where it is safe and acceptable for all employees and stakeholders to raise concerns about poor or unacceptable practice and misconduct. Project Ball, Inc. operates a Whistleblowing Policy. A copy of the policy and procedures can be found on the Project Ball, Inc. webpage.
False Allegations
All allegations or concerns submitted to Project Ball, Inc. must be 100% factual, true and correct at all times.
Where Project Ball, Inc. finds sufficient evidence to suggest that any concern or allegation is not true or factual, Project Ball, Inc. may take necessary disciplinary action against under section 18 of the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Where Project Ball, Inc. finds insufficient evidence or a basis to act against a complaint/concern, this does not mean that the initial concern or complaint is false, in these instances Project Ball, Inc. has been unable to prove the concerns/complaint.
Possible Sanctions
In affiliating or licensing with Project Ball, Inc., everyone agrees to abide by this Code of Ethics and Conduct and all of Project Ball, Inc.’s policies and procedures. Project Ball, Inc. therefore has the right to investigate and take disciplinary action against any alleged or suspected breach of this Code of Ethics and Conduct and any breach which may bring the game of basketball into disrepute.
The following sanctions may be imposed at the discretion of Project Ball, Inc. on any individual or club/academy/institution/team/captain/player. Sanctions may be used in combination where deemed appropriate and where there has been a repeat offense: A warning; a fine; forfeiture of game(s); temporary, permanent or indefinite suspension; removal from post; ban from participating or attending any match under the jurisdiction of Project Ball, Inc.